Monday, March 30, 2009

Extortion by Any Other Name

Here is a little piece from the book Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. Sure does ring a bell...

"And yet --- he thought --- through all the generations of political extortion, it was not the looting beaurocrats who had taken the blame, but the chained industrialists, not the men who peddled legal favors, but the men who were forced to buy them; and through all those generations of crusades against corruption, the remedy had always been, not the liberation of the victims, but the granting of wider powers of extortion to the extortionist"

Example #1

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Beach

The sun is shining and it is a beautiful day. I sit just five minutes from the wind swept atlantic ocean and a long walk along the beach. Of course, I should want to go walking on the beach, but it is just not the same without my special someone. She loves the beach and has drug me unwillingly to the crashing sun baked landscape as long as I have known her. It is sad being here without her; it just is not the same at the beach without her, so I just don't go. Hopefully, my next in earnest trip to the beach will not only be with her, but with my son also. I cannot wait to see him playing in the sand, rustling up some dead creature from the waves, getting ticked at momma for having to sit still long enough for the suntan lotion bathing. That will be a happy day. Until then....